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5 Things That You Think Say "I Love You," But Don't

Jan 29, 2015 / General     

I’ve done a number of things for Susan that were really for me. My guess is you’ve done the same for your spouse. What are some of those things husbands and wives do allegedly for their spouse? First, they buy a nice gift for their spouse that is really meant for themselves…a husband who buys a new set of golf clubs for her so he can golf more…a wife who buys season tickets for him to a Broadway series that she wants to go to. Second, they do things to get something in return…like doing the dishes in hopes that physical intimacy will follow later. I’m guilty. What about you. Find out 5 things that you think say "I love you" to your spouse, but don't.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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