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Confession: We Have Struggles Too

Feb 19, 2013 / General     

My wife, Susan, made a guest post on my blog today. In it, she shares how we have marriage struggles too. Here are the ways she struggles with me in our relationship. Struggle #1. She doesn’t feel I hear what she says. Sure I listen, but there is sometimes a disconnect because she really doesn’t think I understand. Struggle #2. She thinks I’m a micro-manager in our home. I pay attention to the details, she sees the big picture. Sometimes the two clash. So, I’m still learning how to be a better husband. Susan’s still learning to be a better wife and we’re in it for life! Here’s Susan’s take on how we struggle in our marriage



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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