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All Pro Dad's Day Chapters

Sep 30, 2024 / General     

Men, will you take one simple action for the good of your child today? I’m Mark Merrill with today’s Family Minute. The action I’d like you to take will strengthen the bond you share with your child, help your child do better academically, and make you a hero. What is it? Start an All Pro Dad’s Day chapter at your child’s school. Simply go to and click on the How to Start a Chapter link for the information you need. After that, you and your child will join other dads and their kids for one hour a month to share laughter, grow closer, and have meaningful conversations about building good character. So be a hero to your child. Take that one simple action, today; and remember, your Family First.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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