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7 Love Actions to Show Your Spouse

Jan 03, 2025 / General     

Romantic movies often give us the wrong impression of what love is.  They tell us that it takes grand gestures to show real love.  However, I’d suggest that many small acts of love add up to much more than one big gesture.  So, here are 7 love actions to show your spouse day in and day out.  First, write a note.  It can be a long love letter or just a short sticky note with words of encouragement.  Second, buy flowers.  Third, make the bed.  It’s always worth it to sacrifice those 60 extra seconds in the morning to make the bed for your spouse. Here are the rest of the 7 Love Actions to Show Your Spouse.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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