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7 Common Double Standards in Marriage

Feb 25, 2015 / General     

Marriage is when two become one. And when we hold ourselves to a different set of standards than our spouse, we create an unfair, double standard and division. So let’s check out some common double standards and how to avoid them. First, do you have “impulse buys” or frivolous spending habits, but get angry at your spouse for doing the same? Avoid this double standard by agreeing on a budget and spending priorities. Second, do you spend a lot of time with your friends, but criticize your spouse for doing the same? Avoid this double standard by discussing your social calendars together and be sure to calendar time for just you and your spouse. Here are all 7 common double standards in marriage and how to avoid them.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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