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4 Marriage Rules You Should Break

Sep 19, 2013 / General     

When you think of marriage rules, you think of the ones you should keep.  Be loving. . .be faithful. . .be honest.  But, here are some marriage rules you should break.  First, be 100 percent yourself.  Yes, you want your spouse to accept you completely for who you are.  But, on those days when the “real” you feels grumpy, irritated and out of sorts, try not to dump on your spouse.  Second, do everything together.  Sure, couples need to have some mutual interests so that they can stay connected and close, but it’s really okay to enjoy separate activities and interests. Here’s more on the 4 marriage rules you should break.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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