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3 Things 12 Years of Marriage Taught Me (New Post)

Oct 21, 2013 / General     

Speaker and author Jon Acuff jokingly claims that he wishes he could have saved his honeymoon for 3 years into his marriage.  Jon explains how you barely know your wife at the start of marriage. So, you should hold off on the honeymoon until you’ve figured each other out a little better and know each other a little deeper.  After 12 years of marriage, Jon says he’s learned 3 important things.  First, your wife doesn’t want you to fix everything.  Sometimes, she just needs you to listen to her fears and worries, not provide a solution.  For the rest of the things Jon has learned, check out the 3 things 12 years of marriage has taught him.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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