
Browse our collection of over 24 broadcasts

How to Be Your Wife's Boyfriend

When you were dating your wife, you were captivated by her beauty, her charm, and the way she looked at you.  You couldn’t believe she was your girlfriend.  All these things inspired you to be a better boyfriend. But she needs to know that you still find her as captivating as ever.  If your wife is captivating, tell her.  First, don’t take her for granted.  Find a way to say “I love you” every day even if it’s...
Aug 07, 2013 / Dating Your Spouse

How to Be Your Husband's Girlfriend

Remember dating your husband? You couldn’t sleep…you couldn’t eat…you couldn’t wait for him to call.  It was reflected in the way you acted.  Let him know you are still his girlfriend.  First, remember what attracted your husband to you.  Watch sports with him.  Make him a special dinner.  Take time to do those things again.  Second, be excited to see him.  Enjoy just being in the same room with him.  When you...
Aug 06, 2013 / Dating Your Spouse

How to Make Your Marriage Work

If you have a job managing others, you instruct, give orders, set deadlines, and discipline when necessary. But my wife and I have found that “work mode” isn’t always helpful in our marriage.  The skills and strengths we demonstrate in the workplace aren’t necessarily an asset in our relationship. In fact, they can be a liability. Instructing each other, giving orders, and trying to discipline one another can...
Dec 06, 2012 / Dating Your Spouse

Marriage and Back-to-School

Getting the kids situated in a new school year can be all-consuming.  There are new schedules, new activities and new challenges.  Just dealing with all of the newness can wear you out.  Well, in the middle of the madness it’s easy to push aside spending time with your spouse.  So, even though it will take some planning, try to schedule a date night, just the two of you, at least once every couple of weeks.  Or,...
Aug 14, 2012 / Dating Your Spouse

Do You Remember Your First Kiss…With Your Spouse?

Do you remember your first date with your wife? What about the first time your husband kissed you? Thinking back to those early days of dating is a great way to rekindle the passion in your relationship. If it's possible, re-create your first date or re-enact your marriage proposal. Spend time just sitting on the couch together talking about what you thought the first time you met . . . or when you realized you...
Jan 09, 2012 / Dating Your Spouse

The Truth about Marriage

Marriage is really hard….and takes a lot of work. Even after all that hard work, I still mess up. I mean, I want an awesome marriage, but I still DO the things I shouldn't, and DON'T do the things I should. One day I praise her, the next I put her down. One day I'm happy with her, the next I'm angry. So, what can I do? Sure, I'll ask for forgiveness, and I'll work to handle it the right way next time. But...
Jan 01, 1970 / Dating Your Spouse

Date Night: Do Something Different

Does it sound something like this? "What do you want to do tonight?" "I don't know, what do you want to do?" "I don't know… is there anything at the movies?" Then you find yourself sitting in a dark theater, not talking to each other, watching a movie you really didn't want to see anyway. Instead, do something different. Go for an evening picnic at the beach or lake. Play tennis. Go bowling. Check out your...
Jan 01, 1970 / Dating Your Spouse



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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