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5 Great Dates Under $25

Jul 15, 2024 / Dating Your Spouse     

The family budget may be tight right now.  There are braces to pay for, a car that needs to be fixed, and electric bills to be paid. Being tight on money may mean giving up certain things, but it should never mean giving up on your dating life.  Think about what your spouse really wants from a date. Maybe it’s not just another restaurant for dinner or an over-hyped movie. Maybe it’s simply romantic time with you.  So here are some great date ideas that won’t break the bank.  First, find your favorite spot outside and watch the moon come out.  Second, take a walk somewhere along the water—a beach or a nearby lake.  For more ideas, here are 5 Great Dates Under $25.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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