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Creative Winter Date Ideas

Mar 04, 2015 / Dating Your Spouse     

For many, winter is all about staying inside and not venturing out into the cold. And while you can enjoy time with your spouse right in your own living room, it’s important to change things up from time to time. So put on your hats, gloves, and scarves and enjoy a winter night out with these creative date ideas. First, for the active wife, there are plenty of outdoor adventures you can do together. Try skiing, sledding or even ice-skating.  Second for the cooking wife, take a break, get dressed up, and take her to a nice restaurant. For the wife who loves entertainment, go for a night out on the town… get tickets to a play or musical. Enjoy the romance that comes with the winter season. Ask your wife on a date using one of these ideas as well.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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