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How to Earn the Respect of Your Spouse

Jun 27, 2013 / Communication     

When it comes to making decisions, marital tension can rise more than a few degrees.  Do you respect your spouse’s judgment? If you have a foundation of mutual respect and love, the temperature can stay cool and comfortable.  So, here are some ways to regulate that marital thermostat and earn your spouse’s respect.  First, love your spouse.  Without genuine, selfless, unconditional love, nothing will succeed, especially in marriage. Second, respect your spouse’s opinion. Discuss the situation in detail and take turns listening to each other’s suggestions. Marriage is a collaborative relationship, not a dictatorship.  If communication in your marriage is struggling, review these 4 signs of an unhealthy marriage and take the necessary steps to improve.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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