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Argument Curfew: How To Stop Arguing with Your Spouse

Dec 16, 2011 / Communication     

Soon after my wife and I were married, we made a discovery.  It seemed like when we argued, it was at night… when we were tired and irritable from a long day.  So we set a curfew on serious discussions:  nine o’clock is the limit.  Now, when we start to get into a heavy talk after nine, we remind each other that it’s late, we’re not going to resolve anything tonight, and we can talk about it tomorrow. This way, we can avoid arguments with good timing.  The next morning we’re refreshed…we can talk about it calmly, or maybe decide it wasn’t that important to begin with.   What are some ways you and your spouse settle arguments peacefully?



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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