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The Effects of Divorce on Teens

Jan 01, 1970 / Relationships and Communication     

Divorce is never easy on anyone, but teens often channel their emotions into destructive behaviors. A recent survey from Pediatrics journal shows that teens of divorcing families are twice as likely to use drugs or alcohol. They are also more likely to act out through physical fighting, property damage, and stealing. Others may experience depression and anxiety. But the good news is that parental support can help alleviate some of these risks. Make sure you keep the lines of communication with your teen open. Agree with your spouse to put aside your differences in front of the children and work together to do what's best for them. And if you need it, here's some information on Helping Your Kids Handle Divorce.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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