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Facebook: Friend or Foe (Part 2)

Sep 18, 2012 / Relationships and Communication     


If you have a Facebook page, then you have access to people all over the world – an opportunity that did not exist just a few years ago.  Yesterday, we talked about the negative impact of Facebook. Today we want to talk about how to be part of Facebook’s positive impact in the lives of others.  Have your read any good books lately?  Tell how it helped you or how it was just a great, fun read.  Is one of your friends going through a serious illness?  Share their burden so others can post words of encouragement to them.  Or, do you love good music?  Tell others about a great song you heard.  It may be just what they need to hear.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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