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6 Ways to Help Your Kids Connect with Their Grandparents This Weekend

Sep 06, 2013 / Relationships and Communication     

My kids like to communicate with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. My parents, and Susan’s parents, like phone calls and “old fashioned" hand-written notes. Since their grandparents don’t live in the same city as us, how can I help bridge the gap between my kids and their grandparents?  Well, with Grandparent’s Day this Sunday, I’ve thought about a few ways to do that. First, help them find common ground. For example, Susan and I helped bridge the gap by getting my mom an iPhone and teaching her how to text. That way, she can keep in touch more often with her grandchildren and see all those great photos they’re taking. Here are the rest of the 6 Ways to Help Your Kids Connect with Their Grandparents This Weekend



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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