
Browse our collection of over 41 broadcasts

Lead Your Heart

Yesterday, we talked about the dangers of following your heart.  Today I’ll tell you 4 ways to lead it. First, check your heart.  What do you value most?  Where do you invest your time a nd money?  Second, guard your heart.  When something unhealthy threatens your heart, guard it against temptation.  Third, set your heart.  Set your thoughts on the important things in life—faith, family and friends.  Fourth,...
Jun 12, 2013 / Inspirational

8 Ideas for a Fun Family Road Trip

Charles and Frank Duryea were the first to sell an automobile on March 31st, 1896 in the town of Springfield, Massachusetts.  When the first cars took to the roads, people thought they were impractical.  Today, they’re in the driveways of nearly every American home.  So celebrate this moment in history with your family. Take a car trip to an undiscovered local destination—together.  It doesn’t take a lot of...
Mar 19, 2013 / Inspirational

Adam Greenberg: When a Dream Dies

It’s opening day for Major League Baseball’s spring training. Adam Greenberg, who first reached the major leagues in 2005 with the Chicago Cubs was tragically hit in the head with the very first pitch he saw. He got vertigo and was sent down to the minors, where he continued to play.  His dream was shattered.  But he picked up the pieces and he didn’t quit dreaming about getting one more shot at the big leagues. ...
Feb 22, 2013 / Inspirational

13 Things I Hope for YOU in 2013

As we jump into another New Year, I’m guessing that you’ve already put the pedal to the medal and are driving into January very quickly. But before the days start speeding by, I want to briefly share with you a few things that I hope for you in 2013. First, I hope that your marriage blossoms. I so want you and your spouse to move beyond mere survival and have a flourishing marriage…a marriage filled with peace,...
Jan 01, 2013 / Inspirational

Who Died in 2012 and How to Really Live in 2013

This last day of 2012 is the proper time to remember those we have lost this year.  The list includes brave service men and women whose names we will never know; celebrities whose names we do know; and, of course, some of you may have lost those closest to you.   As we reflect on their lives, we remember the brevity of ours, and this should give us incentive to pursue our life to the fullest.  That means a life...
Dec 31, 2012 / Inspirational

Catch the Paralympic Spirit

  The light turns green. . . you start to cross the intersection. . .you’re blindsided. . . you suffer serious injury. . .and your world changes in a moment.  Physical pain.  Emotional pain.  No one is immune.  But, it’s what you do with the pain that matters.   Will it be a stumbling block or just a hurdle?  The Paralympic Games begin today in London.  These athletes embraced their pain and let it guide them to...
Aug 29, 2012 / Inspirational

The Most Inspirational Olympic Athlete

It may be Jesse Owens. Born the son of a sharecropper and grandson of a slave, Jesse Owens, using his God-given athletic ability, went on to compete in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany.  In attendance was Adolph Hitler.  Hitler touted his so-called belief that the Aryan people were the superior race. However, Hitler had to sit in the stands and fume as Jesse Owens won four gold medals in track and field. ...
Aug 01, 2012 / Inspirational



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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