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8 Inspirational Family Quotes

Nov 22, 2013 / Inspirational     

Somehow, it’s always the little moments that turn into the big ones.  It may seem small now, but you’ll never forget the time your daughter loses her first tooth or your son learns to ride a bike.  These moments with your family are what last a lifetime.  So, to encourage you to be thankful for your family, I’ve compiled a list of 8 inspirational family quotes.  First, former President Ronald Regan reminds us that “All great change in America begins at the dinner table.”  Let the small act of sharing a meal together bring you and your family closer.  Here are the rest of the 8 inspirational family quotes I’ve compiled and a simple and fun Thanksgiving craft you can do with your kids, plus an additional 8 thankful quotes for family.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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