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8 Ideas for a Fun Family Road Trip

Mar 19, 2013 / Inspirational     

Charles and Frank Duryea were the first to sell an automobile on March 31st, 1896 in the town of Springfield, Massachusetts.  When the first cars took to the roads, people thought they were impractical.  Today, they’re in the driveways of nearly every American home.  So celebrate this moment in history with your family. Take a car trip to an undiscovered local destination—together.  It doesn’t take a lot of planning…just a little gas and a spirit of adventure.  Turn off the radios, cell phones, mp3 players…and just talk to each other.  At the end of the day your fuel tank may be empty, but your love tank will be full.  Additionally, here are 9 Ways to Have Fun on a Car Trip and the 10 best ways to pass the time on a car trip



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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