
Browse our collection of over 49 broadcasts

Will You Honor our Veterans?

Veterans Day pays tribute to American veterans of all wars — especially those veterans still living. So spend some time this holiday honoring their service to our country. Fly the American flag in front of your home. Teach your children what the holiday means and why we celebrate it. Encourage them to send notes or cards to veterans you know, or those in hospitals and veterans’ homes. Volunteer with your kids in...
Nov 11, 2013 / Holidays

8 Things to Be Thankful for

Americans love to indulge on Thanksgiving. Can’t you just taste that juicy turkey and dressing? Well, there are people who won’t get to enjoy even the first bite of turkey. Maybe they’re unmarried and don’t have any family nearby. Maybe they’re a single mom with three kids and can’t afford all the fixings. Or maybe they’re your elderly neighbor who’s embarrassed to admit they don’t have plans. Think about people...
Nov 07, 2013 / Holidays

Celebrate Labor Day as a Family

This national holiday, established in 1882, recognizes the contributions American workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country. Oftentimes, we fall prey to the mindset that we can never climb high enough in our career or that we need more time in the day. So how will you spend your day off from work? Maybe you’ll take a moment today to give thanks that you have a job. So many others...
Sep 02, 2013 / Holidays

Fourth of July Celebrations

The second president of the United States, John Adams, has some suggestions.  He wrote, "It ought to be celebrated by pomp and parade, with… games, sports… bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other...” Adams had reason for his enthusiasm.  The signers of the Declaration of Independence were committing treason against Great Britain, and could have been punished with death. But...
Jul 04, 2013 / Holidays

Mother's Day Gifts

Maybe you’re buying your wife or mother some flowers or you’re taking her out for a nice lunch. Well all that is wonderful but be sure to help your children honor Mom too. If they’re really small let them color a card for her – or you buy one and let them scribble on it. If your kids are older have them use some of their allowance money to get her something of their choosing. This will help teach your children...
May 10, 2013 / Holidays

Let LOVE Be Your Valentine

It’s the gift of L.O.V.E.  L stands for listen… pay full attention when your partner talks.  Stop what you’re doing and don’t interrupt.  O is for observe... make getting to know their likes and dislikes a priority.  V is for value… value them for who they are…what makes them unique.  And E is for encourage…build them up with your words and actions.  Four little letters that spell out lessons in love.  It’s the...
Feb 14, 2013 / Holidays

The Christmas Offer

More than 2000 years ago, a young girl stretched out her hand for help as she felt the first pains of labor.  Her baby boy came into the world as she lay in the dirty stable.  Gazing into her new baby’s eyes, she felt a rush of love as her son wrapped his hand around her finger.  Throughout His life, Mary's son extended his hand to many. On the day His hands were wounded, he extended them to the world, offering...
Dec 25, 2012 / Holidays



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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