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Mother's Day Gifts

May 10, 2013 / Holidays     

Maybe you’re buying your wife or mother some flowers or you’re taking her out for a nice lunch. Well all that is wonderful but be sure to help your children honor Mom too. If they’re really small let them color a card for her – or you buy one and let them scribble on it. If your kids are older have them use some of their allowance money to get her something of their choosing. This will help teach your children that they should show their Mother and grandmother honor and love on her special day.  You can start by giving your children a blank copy of our Reasons Why I Love My Mother printable that they can fill out and give to mom or consider taking advantage of The Passionate Mom BOGO that ends tomorrow!



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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