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How to Be Thankful

Nov 26, 2013 / Holidays     

Family time, football, fun, and lots of food…those are the things that I think of when Thanksgiving Day approaches. But it’s also a meaningful holiday where we need to pause and give thanks for our many blessings. Our good family friends recently shared their awesome Thanksgiving tradition with me.  They place a white table cloth on their dining room table the week of Thanksgiving. Then, each family member takes a fabric marker and writes down something they are thankful for. They do it every year and now have a table cloth full of expressions of thanks from many years. It’s a simple, yet profound, tradition that encourages and lifts up each and every family member. Here’s one creative idea for how to be thankful this Thanksgiving. And be sure to check out our age appropriate thanksgiving tasks so everyone in the family can have a role.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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