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8 Things to Be Thankful for

Nov 07, 2013 / Holidays     

Americans love to indulge on Thanksgiving. Can’t you just taste that juicy turkey and dressing? Well, there are people who won’t get to enjoy even the first bite of turkey. Maybe they’re unmarried and don’t have any family nearby. Maybe they’re a single mom with three kids and can’t afford all the fixings. Or maybe they’re your elderly neighbor who’s embarrassed to admit they don’t have plans. Think about people you know who would really appreciate an invitation to Thanksgiving dinner. Then pull up an extra chair to your table, or better yet, pull up a few. Be sure to go around the table and share what you’re thankful for. You can start with these 10 things to be thankful for.  And with Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, here’s our 7 week holiday planner to help you stay organized.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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