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The Best Summer Activities

Jun 05, 2013 / Family Time & Vacations     

Today is the first day of summer, and it marks a wonderful time of the year for your child.  Years from now they will look back on the long days of this season to reminisce and remember.  How can you make this a summer they’ll never forget?  Your first step should be to take a stroll down your own summertime memory lane.  Try the things you did as a child that still make you smile today.  A day of swimming.  An extended bicycle ride or hike.  Or maybe something new.  Geocaching combines the fun of technology, hiking and scavenger hunts.  Whatever you choose, just remember to create memories and have fun—together.  If you need more ideas, here are 50 more fun things to do this summer.  If you’re a dad, be sure to sign up for the Play of the Day to receive All Pro Dad’s Operation Summer with fun summer ideas. And if you’re a mom, sign up for iMOM’s Espresso Minute to receive Operation Summer ideas.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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