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Tech-Savvy Summer Memories

Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations     

One mom I know asked her four-year-old to tell her his favorite things about their recent trip. She wrote down his answers and put them in their vacation scrapbook. A dad uses his smartphone to make short videos of his kids that he uploads to YouTube for friends and family to view. Another parent uses a digital camera to catch candid moments throughout the summer, then they take the pictures and make a slide show on their computer for their kids to watch. So, make and save memorable moments from your summer outings. We'll help you get started! Here's How to Make Summer Memories Using Technology. But if you'd rather go old school, try our Summer Scrapbook Pages that have been newly updated and expanded. Either way, you will treasure the memories you make.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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