
Browse our collection of over 28 broadcasts

How to Make One-on-One Time with Your Child Special

You may have heard me say…your kids spell love T-I-M-E.  And spending one-on-one time with them individually is a critically important way to communicate love.  Great conversations can happen while you’re folding clothes or cooking a meal together.  When you’re driving them to an after school activity, turn down the radio and strike up some conversation.  Or get out of town for an overnight trip.  Your time alone...
Feb 26, 2025 / Family Time & Vacations

Tony Dungy’s Super Bowl Family Time Tips

Millions of people will be glued to the television this Super Bowl Sunday. If you plan on watching the game, why not make it a family activity? Start with a game plan for the day. It might include firing up the grill, or letting each child choose a favorite snack food.  You can also play Super Bowl trivia or predict the score at the end of each quarter. Give fun prizes to the winners. If it’s not too cold, Dad can...
Jan 30, 2025 / Family Time & Vacations

Father-Son Bucket List

Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”  We all want adventure.  We want to explore, create, discover.  A great way to start an adventure is to create a bucket list with your son.  Figure out what the two of you are passionate about, and then pursue those dreams.  To help you, I’ve created a generic bucket list for fathers and sons.  First, learn how to fly fish and then go...
Jan 08, 2025 / Family Time & Vacations

Father-Daughter Bucket List

Time passes in the blink of an eye.  One moment your daughter is dancing on your toes in the kitchen, the next she is getting ready to dance with a boy at her first prom.  While you can’t slow down time, you can make the most of the time you do have with your daughter.  So to help the two of you make memories, here is a general bucket list of things for fathers and daughters.  First, take dance lessons together. ...
Jan 07, 2025 / Family Time & Vacations

12 Things You Should Do with Your Kids Every Year

Maybe your son is passionate about art. Maybe your daughter is passionate about animals. No matter what it may be, every child is uniquely wired to be passionate about something. And, as parents, it’s up to us to help spark our child’s curiosity. To do so, there are certain things you should do with your children every year. First, take them to a science museum where they can experiment and learn. Second, take...
Dec 30, 2024 / Family Time & Vacations

10 Treasure Hunt Clues for Around the House

With all the games, movies, and books out there, our kids still somehow find a way to whine, “I’m bored!”  One great way to cure their boredom is to take them on an adventure: a treasure hunt!  Setting up a scavenger hunt around your home is easy.  Just create clues and then hide them around the house in different places—under the table, in the food pantry, or on their bathroom mirror.  The hunt should end with...
Jul 17, 2024 / Family Time & Vacations

Stop, Drop, and Roll: 3 Ways to Increase Family Time This Summer

We only have so many summers to make memories with our kids before they leave the nest. So, with school out, give your kids your best. First, STOP being connected 24/7 to work. Give yourself permission to be DISCONNECTED from work so you can be RECONNECTED with your kids. Second, DROP the phones, tablets and other tech that keep you from your family. Set daily times, especially when you’re on vacation, where...
Jul 02, 2024 / Family Time & Vacations



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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