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What will the face of your family look like in 25 years?

Sep 18, 2017 / Family Living     

Can you imagine a place where families experience the fullness of love in their relationships? I’m Mark Merrill with today’s Family Minute. We are celebrating 25 years here at Family First and our goal is just that. Love will never be perfected on this side of heaven, but we can move toward a place where things are more like what they’re supposed to be. We can get closer and pursue a destination: Where every child experiences the love of a mom and dad; Every mom and dad is engaged in the life of their child; Marriage is valued and children are born inside, not outside of marriage. Where marriages don’t die, don’t just survive, but thrive.
We can get closer to that place where families are loving well and experiencing oneness, fullness and joy in their relationships. That’s where we want to go and where we are heading for the next 25 years. And I believe that if love rules your relationships and fills your home, this dream will come true for you too. Go to backslash anniversary for more.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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