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Leaders Set the Climate

Mar 07, 2014 / Family Living     

It’s not something that’s in your job description at work.  It’s not something that you think about as a husband, wife or parent.  But it’s critical in any position of leadership.  It’s establishing the climate… the right kind of climate.  A mother or father establishes the climate when they walk through the door at night.  A worker sets the temperature for co-workers at the office.  A coach sets the climate out on the turf.  So, have you thought about how things feel when you’re around?  Is everyone comfortable around you or uptight?   Do others see you as caring and serving or aloof and self-serving?  Maybe it’s time for you to change the climate.  Here’s more about how you can find out who sets the climate in your home.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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