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How to Tackle Spring Cleaning with a New Attitude

Mar 19, 2012 / Family Living     

A pen and paper.  I know what you’re thinking, “Doesn’t he mean a mop and broom?”  Nope, you heard right.  I want you to take ten or fifteen minutes and think about the attitudes and habits you want to sweep out of your life.  Is smoking dirtying your lungs?  Do you need to wash away a family grudge?  Or is negative thinking cluttering your mind?  Whatever you need to change, write it down and commit to getting rid of it.  Leave no personal dust ball unturned.  And hey, once you’ve tackled that kind of spring cleaning, the usual sweeping and vacuuming will seem like a breeze. For more tips, try these three steps to dig out of clutter and our clean up cards to help you get started.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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