A Winter Season of Life
Winter… it can be a harsh season of blizzards, dreary skies, leafless trees and brown grass. But winter is so important… if the grass didn't freeze, if the trees didn't shed, if the flowers didn't fade, we wouldn't have such rich foliage and vibrant growth in the spring. Maybe you're going through a winter season in your life right now…maybe it's the loss of a job, a serious illness, or death of a family member. If so, just remember, growth comes with life's winter seasons. It's a time when life becomes more focused… when priorities become more clear… it's a time when we come to understand what life is truly all about… relationships… with God, family and friends. Take a moment to watch this inspirational story about a man named Zac Smith and hear how he maintained a positive outlook during his winter season of life. And for more ideas, here are 7 ways to live above your life’s circumstances.