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9/11: 10 Years Later

Sep 09, 2011 / Coping & Loss     

The attacks on 9/11 took the lives of 3,497 people. But for those that survived, this September marks 10 years of mourning. 10 years of hurting. 10 years of learning to live without those they love. About 3,000 children lost a parent that Tuesday. 10 years later, the remembrance is especially significant for two reasons. The man ultimately responsible, Osama Bin Laden, is no longer a threat. And the long awaited memorial pools at ground zero will open to the public. Talk to your own children about that day. Remember the sacrifices of the brave rescue teams, remember the families who still hurt from 9/11.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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