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Patience: A Lesson Learned from My Children

Mar 18, 2013 / Character     

My kids have taught me a lot of things… and I can tell you, it’s a very humbling experience.  One thing that they’ve shown me over and over again is my lack of patience.  For example, my impatience with the grocery store cashier during check out, or the waitress at a restaurant, and my impatience driving them to school.  You get the picture!   It’s kind of embarrassing to admit.  When they point out my impatience or other faults, I can respond by being defensive and telling them to be quiet. Or, I can listen, thanking them for pointing it out to me and asking them to keep reminding me.  I’m pleased to report…I patiently did the latter.  Slowly but surely, I’m learning patience from my children.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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