
Browse our collection of over 937 broadcasts

Patience: One of My Biggest Struggles

My Type A personality and our demanding world have joined forces and resulted in one of my biggest struggles—being patient. Being patient with circumstances and being patient with people are things I have to work hard at.  My wife, Susan, is helping me with it. Susan was sitting across the table from me during a meeting with our team at work, and she sent me a text during the meeting. It simply said, “Patience,...
Nov 21, 2012 / Character

Reformation Day

A hammer. . .nails. . .a piece of paper. . . and a church door.  While many of you will be trick-or-treating with your kids tonight. . .today marks a turning point in history known as Reformation Day.  Martin Luther, a German monk, posted his 95 theses on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg Germany in 1517.  His ideas spread like wildfire and turned the world upside down.  So, take a moment today to learn...
Oct 31, 2012 / Holidays

Uncommon Courtesy

Let’s face it, common courtesy is pretty uncommon these days. Do you hold the door open for people? Do you say “thank you” when people hold a door open for you? Do you remember to say “please” and “thank you” to the sales clerk, the mechanic, or the person at the drive-thru window? Do your co-workers or employees think of you as a courteous person? And what about your spouse and children? Do you show them the same...
Oct 18, 2012 / General

Columbus Day

We all know that in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue in the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.  And, while there are mixed reviews about his discovery, the name, Christopher Columbus, makes us think of discovering a New World.  So, on this Columbus Day, what new worlds would you like to explore on your life’s journey?  Want to learn to fly a plane?  Get your pilot’s license.  Did you always dream of being a...
Oct 08, 2012 / Holidays

How to Get Promoted

  We all want to get promoted in our jobs. And, if you have kids, your most important job is being a parent. Here are four things you can do to get promoted in your most important job. First, be honest. Honesty always wins. You should be honest with your child at all times, even when it’s painful. Second, be reliable and keep your word. When you commit to doing something with your child, put it on your calendar....
Sep 19, 2012 / General

Facebook: Friend or Foe (Part 2)

  If you have a Facebook page, then you have access to people all over the world – an opportunity that did not exist just a few years ago.  Yesterday, we talked about the negative impact of Facebook. Today we want to talk about how to be part of Facebook’s positive impact in the lives of others.  Have your read any good books lately?  Tell how it helped you or how it was just a great, fun read.  Is one of your...
Sep 18, 2012 / Relationships and Communication

Facebook: Friend or Foe (Part 1)

Someone described Facebook as the “best of” a life – a highlight reel.  And, while it’s great to share life’s successes, it is also important to stay grounded in reality.  So, how can you keep from experiencing negative Facebook emotions?  First, don’t believe the hype.  Life is not just the good times, but the tough times as well – and everyone has them whether they reveal them or not.  Second, share in others’...
Sep 17, 2012 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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