
Browse our collection of over 937 broadcasts

The Annoying Spouse

It drives you crazy when he makes snap decisions, but his resolve was one of the reasons you fell in love with him.  It bothers you that she’s always talking to her friends, but her bubbly personality is what drew you to her in the first place.  So what should you do if your spouse is annoying you?  Spend the rest of your lives irritated with each other?  Of course not.  Instead, you should remember and appreciate...
Feb 27, 2013 / General

Does Your Marriage Need Reconciliation?

Some people wouldn’t say much, but some would say degrading things about their spouse.  Sure, affairs do happen when things are going well in a marriage.  But sometimes, there have been years of neglect and loneliness…years of two people failing to give and love.  As my wife and I often say to each other, there are always two sides to every story.  And just as it may take two to pull the relationship apart, it...
Feb 26, 2013 / Saving Your Marriage

How to Parent as a Good Listener

A good listener?  Hardly.  But maybe a good lecturer.  So what does it mean to parent as a good listener?  Well, I’ll give you a couple of hints… its more than the absence of talking… and it doesn’t involve multitasking when your child is speaking to you.   Listening is the active process of hearing what our child is saying, looking at their eyes and body language for clues, processing it all to determine what’s...
Feb 25, 2013 / General

Adam Greenberg: When a Dream Dies

It’s opening day for Major League Baseball’s spring training. Adam Greenberg, who first reached the major leagues in 2005 with the Chicago Cubs was tragically hit in the head with the very first pitch he saw. He got vertigo and was sent down to the minors, where he continued to play.  His dream was shattered.  But he picked up the pieces and he didn’t quit dreaming about getting one more shot at the big leagues. ...
Feb 22, 2013 / Inspirational

When It’s Time to Rebuild

Divorce… infidelity… the devastating loss of a child or spouse… these things, and others, can shatter a family. So, how do you begin the rebuilding process? First, survey the damage. Talk about it with each member of your family… really listen to the feelings they express, and be open about your own. Second, seek help from a trusted advisor or pastor who can help you sort out your emotions. Third, be patient—with...
Feb 21, 2013 / Coping & Loss

How to Live Without TV

According to the Nielson Company, Americans watch an average of five hours of television each day. If that’s too much screen time for your family, consider cutting back. Or turn off the tube permanently and spend those hours together. That’s exactly what one man and his family did about 15 years ago. When he and his wife decided to give up what he called “the national pacifier,” he said it was one of the most...
Feb 20, 2013 / Family Living

Confession: We Have Struggles Too

My wife, Susan, made a guest post on my blog today. In it, she shares how we have marriage struggles too. Here are the ways she struggles with me in our relationship. Struggle #1. She doesn’t feel I hear what she says. Sure I listen, but there is sometimes a disconnect because she really doesn’t think I understand. Struggle #2. She thinks I’m a micro-manager in our home. I pay attention to the details, she sees...
Feb 19, 2013 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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