
Browse our collection of over 937 broadcasts

How to Parent Back Talking Children

If you are a parent, at some point, the answer has probably been a resounding “Yes”!  But, all back talking is not the same.  Identifying the type can often lead to the solution.  There are four kinds of back talkers. First, the impulsive back talker. This is the child who blurts out whatever they think without considering the consequences.  The solution?  Tell them to pause, count to five and say the words in...
Jul 09, 2013 / Discipline

How to Love Your Family with Sticky Notes

Okay, got the answer?  Well, I think it might be sticky notes. These handy little inventions can be used not only in the office, but also in the home in very productive ways.  I use sticky notes to encourage my wife, Susan, and our children.  Here are some ways that I use these notes throughout the house to let my family know that I am thinking about them…that I love them.  I leave sticky notes on bathroom mirrors...
Jul 08, 2013 / Relationships and Communication

How to Build Memorable Monuments with Your Child This Summer

Our children need us to build lasting monuments in their lives. I call them “memorable monuments.” Memorable monuments are things you do with your kids that create lasting, loving memories. Here are things you can do to build memorable monuments with your child this summer. Discover what he most likes to do with you and then do that together on a weekly or monthly basis. Your child’s favorite thing may be...
Jul 05, 2013 / Family Time & Vacations

Fourth of July Celebrations

The second president of the United States, John Adams, has some suggestions.  He wrote, "It ought to be celebrated by pomp and parade, with… games, sports… bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other...” Adams had reason for his enthusiasm.  The signers of the Declaration of Independence were committing treason against Great Britain, and could have been punished with death. But...
Jul 04, 2013 / Holidays

Dangerous Decoys and Life Distractions

Turkey hunting season just wrapped up here in Florida. As one of my sons and I were sitting in our blind with a gobbler decoy planted in front of us, I thought about the "decoys" in our lives. These decoys can lure us and may lead us away from what’s really important or maybe even into a trap.  Here are some decoys to look out for. First, television and technology. It’s so easy to plop down on the couch and be...
Jul 03, 2013 / Family Living

Hidden Savings

You reach into your pocket and pull out that forgotten twenty dollar bill.  Found money. . . We all love it!  Did you know you may have some right in front of you?  Here are some great ways to have an extra twenty or more every month.  First, do it yourself.  Take the mower for a quick trip around the yard yourself or have your kids do it instead of a yard man.  Second, negotiate.  Don’t just pay your monthly...
Jun 28, 2013 / Career & Finances

How to Earn the Respect of Your Spouse

When it comes to making decisions, marital tension can rise more than a few degrees.  Do you respect your spouse’s judgment? If you have a foundation of mutual respect and love, the temperature can stay cool and comfortable.  So, here are some ways to regulate that marital thermostat and earn your spouse’s respect.  First, love your spouse.  Without genuine, selfless, unconditional love, nothing will succeed,...
Jun 27, 2013 / Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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