
Browse our collection of over 935 broadcasts

A Christmas Light Tradition

The glittering displays of Christmas lights bring out the kid in all of us.  This year, make taking in the lights a family adventure.  Map out a list of decorated houses you want to see, put together some snacks, and then pile everyone in the car one evening and take a drive to see all the Christmas lights.  Take your time, drive slowly. Talk about which house you like best.  Pause to take some family pictures. ...
Dec 19, 2013 / Holidays

5 Things Your Child Needs You to Be

Parenting is the best job in the world.  We get to train, inspire, and watch our children grow.  Yet, at the same time, parenting can be somewhat complicated given these 5 hats we must wear. First, be a protector.  We not only need to protect our kids from physical harm, but also we need to guard their hearts from things like unhealthy relationships and the negative influence of friends.  Second, be a...
Dec 18, 2013 / General

I Pledge to Be a Better Elf

Each year, I somehow manage to let the pressure of making Christmas great fall on my wife, Susan—from buying and wrapping presents, to decorating the tree, to setting out the stockings—she’s the one that makes it happen.  That’s why, this year for the sake of my marriage, I am pledging to be a better elf.  First, I pledge not to fall asleep on the couch when my wife needs my help setting up.  Which leads to my...
Dec 16, 2013 / Holidays

One-Minute Marriage Boost

Leave your spouse a sweet note. That’s right – a note. You’ll be amazed at the power of the pen. If you head out of the house first, leave it on their car. Or, hide a note where you know they’ll find it. A friend of mine used the letters from a Scrabble game to create a surprise note for his wife. It only takes a minute, but the boost it gives lasts all day long. For more ideas, here are 6 ways to boost your...
Dec 13, 2013 / Dating Your Spouse

What I Learned About Family from My 6 Favorite Christmas Movies

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. So as the cookies bake and the fire warms our toes, why not enjoy a cozy family movie night?  Here are 6 of my favorite Christmas movies and what they’ve taught me about family.  First, I’ve always enjoyed the classic movie, A Christmas Carol.  Ebenezer Scrooge takes us on a journey to learn that loving and being loved by our family is the most important thing.  Second,...
Dec 12, 2013 / Holidays

How to Increase Your Compliment to Criticism Ratio

I’ve got a confession to make. I’m much, much quicker to criticize than compliment. Unfortunately, when I see something or hear something, I often start with what’s wrong with it rather than what’s right with it. Can you relate? Mark Twain once said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” Here are some things you can do to increase your compliment to criticism ratio. First, put a reminder on your...
Dec 11, 2013 / Relationships and Communication

10 More Things Wives Want to Hear from Their Husbands

Every woman lives to be loved. So today, I’m giving you 10 things to say to your wife that will show your love and breathe life into her soul. Number 1, “I’m your biggest fan.”  Number 2, “I’m thankful for the little things you do.”  Number 3, “Let’s take a walk together.”  Number 4, “I miss you when we’re apart.”  Number 5, “I’m here for you.”  Number 6, “You’ll always have me by your side.”  Number 7, “I want to...
Dec 10, 2013 / Husbands



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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