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Read the Lyrics

Apr 02, 2024 / General     

Recently, I asked my son for his iPod so I could check out the songs he was listening to.  I Googled the lyrics for the songs, and most were just fine.  But I did find a couple that weren’t.  I sat down with him and showed him the objectionable lyrics.  While reading through the words, I think we were both a bit surprised at the coarse language, degradation of women and sexual content in the lyrics.  After he deleted those songs from his iPod, we talked about not supporting these so-called artists by buying that kind of music, and about the importance of keeping those kinds of messages out of our hearts and minds.  To help you keep track of popular songs, try our music monitor and our family music chart.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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