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Parent Pressure

Apr 24, 2024 / General     

No, not peer pressure… parent pressure.  You know, pressure to allow your child to do things that other parents are letting their kids do… watch movies, listen to music, and wear clothes that are inappropriate for your child.  The right decision for your child is usually the road not taken by many.  It’s sometimes a hard and lonely road for a parent, but one that is much more likely to lead to a good life for your child.  So make a destination choice for your child… not the one that will win your child’s friendship, but the one that will take your child where you want them to go.  Here are 12 things parents can do to be more hands-on.  And if you’re feeling parent pressure, don’t get caught up in the success illusion.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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