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4 Ways to Not Make Your Dreams Your Kids’ Dreams

Jan 01, 2025 / General     

All too often, moms and dads want their kids to pursue the same dreams they once had.  The dad who was captain of the football team wants more than anything for his son to be the star of the team.  The mom who was a concert pianist now drags her daughter to piano lessons every week in hopes that she’ll be in the spotlight.  Instead of making your goals their goals, it’s important to let your kids dream their own dreams.  Here are 4 ways to not make your dreams their dreams.  First, don’t assume.  Don’t assume that just because you liked to do something, like ski competitively, that your child will too.  Second, ask. Ask your child what they would like to do…what sport or activity.  Here are the rest of the 4 Ways to Not Make Your Dreams Your Kids’ Dreams.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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