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How to Help Your Spouse Have an Affair

Jul 31, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage     

In marriage, there are two people and two sides to every story.  When it comes to affairs, both spouses can often point to things that led to the infidelity.  The person having the affair cannot justify it…it’s never a good thing…but there may be some things that pushed them in that direction.  Here are some ways to push your spouse toward an affair.  First, don’t really listen.  Be sure to glance down at your phone or laptop every few seconds so your spouse knows that what they’re saying isn’t important to you.  Second, stop having intimate conversations.  When your spouse wants to talk to you about their hopes and dreams, make an excuse why you can’t talk right now. Here are more ways to Help Your Spouse Have an Affair.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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