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5 Things to Do When You're in an "Emotional Fog"

Apr 11, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage     

You can’t see where you are going; you’ve lost your vision. Maybe you’ve lost your vision for your marriage. The road you were heading down with your spouse was suddenly engulfed by an affair, illness, cancer, or an addiction.  You once could see a bright future for your child, but the light has dimmed because of rebellion, drugs, or sickness.   So, what can you do?  First, pull over. Stop what you are doing for a few hours or maybe even get away for several days to clear your mind. Second, be patient. Wait until the fog clears. You can’t control everything. Here’s more on what you can do when you’re in an emotional fog.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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